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Practice & non-class legal parts for Laser sailboats. Great for recreational sailors or those who are not racing - more information below.
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The Laser is a one-design sailboat governed by the International Laser Class Association, or ILCA. The ILCA manages the class rules, organizes racing, and appoints and maintains class-approved boat builders and suppliers. For any Laser racing governed by standard one-design class rules, all boats must use class-approved boats and components. However, for recreational sailors or those who are not racing, 'practice' or 'replica' parts are also available. These parts are typically very similar to the class-approved or one-design parts, but come from another supplier (that is not class-approved). Since part of the cost of a class-approved part is a royalty fee to support the class, these practice / replica fittings typically cost a bit less. Use of a practice / replica fitting is solely are your discretion and information about the difference between one-design / class-approved fittings and practice / replica fittings is shared to help you make an informed decision based on your specific Laser sailing needs. At the end of the day, as long as you get to go sailing, we're happy to support you!